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The Grace | 은혜 | with Stockholm (스톡홀름)




The Grace   |   은혜   |   with Stockholm (스톡홀름)


|   Lyrics & Music by Son Kyung-min (손경민)


|   Onnuri Church Saturday Part 1 Chamber








The Grace   |   은혜








Everything I've ever enjoyed,


내가 누려왔던 모든 것들이








All the time I've been through,


내가 지나왔던 모든 시간이








Every moment I've walked.


내가 걸어왔던 모든 순간이








It wasn't natural, it was the grace.


당연한 것 아니라 은혜였소








the sunrise of the morning and the sunset of the evening


아침 해가 뜨고 저녁의 노을








The scent of spring flowers and the fruit of fall.


봄의 꽃 향기와 가을의 열매








Every moment of the changing season


변하는 계절의 모든 순간이








It wasn't natural, it was the grace.


당연한 것 아니라 은혜였소








Everything is the grace, grace, grace.


모든 것이 은혜 은혜 은혜








unbounded grace


한 없는 은혜








I don't know what I've ever had in my life.


내 삶에 당연한 건 하나도 없었던 것을








Everything was the grace.


모든 것이 은혜 은혜였소








That I was born and live in this land.


내가 이 땅에 태어나 사는 것








When I was a kid, until now,


어린 아이 시절과 지금까지








A life of breathing and dreaming.


숨을 쉬며 살며 꿈을 꾸는 삶








It wasn't natural, it was the grace.


당연한 것 아니라 은혜였소








I live as a child of God.


내가 하나님의 자녀로 살며








A life of praise and worship today.


오늘 찬양하고 예배하는 삶








Blessings to preach the gospel.


복음을 전할 수 있는 축복이








It wasn't natural, it was the grace.


당연한 것 아니라 은혜였소








Everything is the grace, grace, grace.


모든 것이 은혜 은혜 은혜








unbounded grace


한 없는 은혜








I don't know what I've ever had in my life.


내 삶에 당연한 건 하나도 없었던 것을








Everything was the grace.


모든 것이 은혜 은혜였소








Everything is the grace, grace, grace.


모든 것이 은혜 은혜 은혜








unbounded grace


한 없는 은혜








I don't know what I've ever had in my life.


내 삶에 당연한 건 하나도 없었던 것을








Everything was the grace.


모든 것이 은혜 은혜였소







Everything was the grace.


모든 것이 은혜 은혜였소








Everything was the grace.


모든 것이 은혜 은혜였소








The Grace   |   은혜   |   with Stockholm (스톡홀름)


|   Lyrics & Music by Son Kyung-min (손경민)


|   Onnuri Church Saturday Part 1 Chamber













#TheGrace, #Stockholm, #은혜, #스톡홀름, #손경민,

#내가누려왔던모든것들이, #내가지나왔던모든시간이, #내가걸어왔던모든순간이, #당연한것아니라은혜였소, #아침해가뜨고저녁의노을, #봄의꽃향기와가을의열매, #변하는계절의모든순간이, #모든것이은혜은혜은혜한없는은혜, #내삶에당연한건하나도없었던것을, #모든것이은혜은혜였소,

#EverythingIsTheGrace, #UnboundedGrace,
#찬양듣기, #worship, #은혜, #브런치TV, #Brunch_TV













The Grace | 은혜 | with Stockholm (스톡홀름)   | Lyrics & Music by Son Kyung-min (손경민) | Onnuri Church Saturday Part 1 Chamber

