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As the deer | 목마른 사슴 | with Sydney (시드니)




As the deer   |   목마른 사슴   |   with Sydney (시드니)


|   Lyrics & Music by Martin J. Nystrom


|   Onnuri Church Sunday Part 1 Chamber








As the deer   |   목마른 사슴








As the deer panteth for the water

So my soul longeth after Thee


목마른 사슴 시냇물을 찾아 헤매이듯이







You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship Thee


내 영혼 주를 찾기에 갈급하나이다








You alone are my strength, my shield

To You alone may my spirit yield


주님만이 나의 힘, 나의 방패, 나의 참 소망








You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship You


나의 몸 정성 다 바쳐서 주님 경배합니다








You're my friend and You are my brother

Even though You are a king


금보다 귀한 나의 주님 내게 만족 주신 분








And I love You more than any other

So much more than anything


당신만이 나의 기쁨 또한 나의 참 보배








You alone are my strength, my shield

To You alone may my spirit yield


주님만이 나의 힘, 나의 방패, 나의 참 소망








You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship You


나의 몸 정성 다 바쳐서 주님 경배합니다








As the deer | 목마른 사슴 | with Sydney (시드니)


| Lyrics & Music by Martin J. Nystrom


| Onnuri Church Sunday Part 1 Chamber



















#AsTheDeer, #Sydney, #목마른사슴, #시드니,

#목마른사슴시냇물을찾아헤매이듯이, #내영혼주를찾기에갈급하나이다, #주님만이나의힘, #나의방패나의참소망, #나의몸정성다바쳐서주님경배합니다, #금보다귀한나의주님, #내게만족주신주, #당신만이나의기쁨또한나의참보배, #찬양듣기, #worship, #은혜, #브런치TV, #Brunch_TV















As the deer | 목마른 사슴 | with Sydney (시드니)   | Lyrics & Music by Martin J. Nystrom | Onnuri Church Sunday Part 1 Chamber



